The Knifefish is an unmanned underwater vehicle (UUV)


The Knifefish is an unmanned underwater vehicle (UUV) under development by General Dynamics Advanced Information Systems and Bluefin Robotics for the United States Navy. It is a propeller-driven minesweeping robot designed to replace the Navy's trained dolphins and sea lions after the retirement of the 50-year-old Marine Mammal Program in 2017. The Knifefish was first unveiled at a Navy exposition in April 2012, and is intended to operate in concert with the Navy's littoral combat ships (LCS) as part of a specialised counter-mine system. The Navy plans to begin sea trials of the Knifefish in 2015, and to enter it into active service in 2017.

  •   編輯群 於 2014-01-07 09:57 1F
  • 美軍未來的固定式匿蹤無人潛水載具(UUV),平常停放在海底,偵測到目標物才會上浮,並施放水雷等偷襲目標物。